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Version: 1.0

Recursive folder uploading

You can try by running this code at your console:

deno run
import { getLoggedInStorage } from './logging-in-demo.js'
const storage = await getLoggedInStorage()

const folderName = prompt('Enter a folder name:')
const folderStat = await Deno.stat(folderName)
if (!folderStat.isDirectory) throw Error('Not a directory!')

async function handleFolder (path, name, rootNode) => {
// Create a folder on the remote node
const megaFolder = await rootNode.mkdir(name)

// Then upload files into it
for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(path)) {
const filePath = path + '/' +
const fileStat = await Deno.stat(filePath)

// If the file is a directory, just recurse
if (fileStat.isDirectory) {
await handleFolder(filePath,, megaFolder)
} else {
const data = await Deno.readFile(filePath)
await megaFolder.upload(, data).complete

await handleFolder(folderName, folderName, storage.children)
console.log('The folder was uploaded!', megaFolder)