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Version: 1.0

Project distribution

This code is sourced from a real world application (with some few modifications). It compresses a "dist" folder containing a compiled version of a project then uploads to MEGA. This code automatically creates a folder if it didn't finds one and share with a custom key. It also prunes the folder, removing old versions of the project. It includes a progress bar to track upload progress and handle upload timeouts caused by bad Internet connections.

You can try by running this code at your console:

deno run
import { getLoggedInStorage } from './logging-in-demo.js'
import * as path from ''
import prettyBytes from 'npm:pretty-bytes'
import ProgressBar from ''

// Generate a 7z file by compressing a ../dist folder (requires 7z in the path)
const buildName = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 13) + '.7z'
const buildPath = path.fromFileUrl(new URL('./' + buildName, import.meta.url))
const rootPath = path.fromFileUrl(new URL('../dist', import.meta.url))
const command = new Deno.Command('7z', {
args: ['a', buildPath, rootPath]
const { code, stderr } = await command.output()
if (code !== 0) {
console.error(new TextDecoder().decode(stderr))
throw Error(`7z exited with ${code}`)
const data = await Deno.readFile(buildPath)
console.log('Got a', data.length, 'byte (' + prettyBytes(data.length) + ') bundle')

// Log in intro MEGA
const storage = await getLoggedInStorage()

// Try to find a folder where files will be shared
const rootFolderName = 'Distributed files'
let rootFolder = storage.find(rootFolderName)

// If no folder is found, ask user if the script can create one
if (!rootFolder) {
console.log('Root folder not found, create one?')
const promptResult = window.confirm('>')
if (!promptResult) throw Error('Aborted')

// If allowed, the script will create the folder and share it with a custom key
rootFolder = await storage.mkdir(rootFolderName)
const link = await{ key: 'DeepSeaTreasureHunting' })
console.log('Base folder created and shared:', link)

// Prune folder
if (rootFolder.children) {
// Sort files in the folder by timestamp, them remove the first most recent ones from the array
const childToDelete = rootFolder.children.slice().sort((a, b) => {
return b.timestamp - a.timestamp

// Them delete all files that remained
for (const entry of childToDelete) {
await entry.delete(true)

// Check if a duplicate file exists and, if so, delete it
const duplicateBuild = rootFolder.find(buildName)
if (duplicateBuild) await duplicateBuild.delete(true)

// Create a progress bar to track the upload progress
const progressBar = new ProgressBar({
display: ':title :percent :bar :time/:eta',
title: 'Uploading ' + buildName + ':',
total: data.length

// Upload the file
const uploadStream = rootFolder.upload({
name: buildName,
// Seems that setting maxConnections to 1 improved results
maxConnections: 1
}, data)

// Handle progress events
uploadStream.on('progress', event => {

// Create a timeout to handle bad network connections
// (at the time I implemented this code my Internet connection was really bad)
const maxTimeout = 36e5 // 60 minutes
let timeoutTimer
let exitCode = 0
try {
await Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeoutTimer = setTimeout(reject, maxTimeout, Error('Upload timeout out'))

console.log('\n\n' + buildName, 'was uploaded')
} catch (error) {
exitCode = 1

// Clear up things
await storage.close().catch(() => { /* Ignore errors at this step */ })
await Deno.remove(buildPath)