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Version: 1.0

Advanced file downloader

This script downloads shared files and folders. It demonstrates:

  • How to download large files by streaming.
  • How to download folders by iterating their children.
  • How to implement progress bars.
  • How to handle interrupted downloads.
  • How to verify downloads.

You can try by running this code at your console:

deno run [URL] [...flags]

If you don't specify a URL one will be prompted. You can use --filter=... to download only files containing the filter string in the name and --ignore=... to skip all files containing the ignore string in the name. Both --filter and --ignore can be set multiple files. You can use --dir=... to specify a target directory (current working directory by default). If you use --verbose it will log to the console skipped files and why they were skipped.

import { File, verify } from 'npm:megajs'
import { join } from ''
import { parseArgs } from 'jsr:@std/cli/parse-args'
import ProgressBar from ''
import { orderBy } from 'npm:natural-orderby'

// Get the shared file URL from Deno.args or by prompting
const args = parseArgs(Deno.args, { collect: ['filter', 'ignore'], boolean: ['verbose'] })
const url = args._[0] ?? prompt('Enter the URL of a shared MEGA file or folder:')

// Create a File object
const mainFile = File.fromURL(url)

// Setup an user-agent
mainFile.api.userAgent = 'MEGAJS-Demos (+'

// Load attributes and get the selected file
const selectedNode = await mainFile.loadAttributes()

// Download the file
if (! throw Error('You should include the decryption key!')
await downloadFile(selectedNode, args.dir ?? Deno.cwd())

async function downloadFile (megaFile, folderPath) {
// Checks for directory nodes
if ( {
// Create a new directory or use an existent one
const childFolderPath = join(folderPath,
const childFolderStats = await Deno.stat(childFolderPath).catch(() => null)
if (!childFolderStats) {
await Deno.mkdir(childFolderPath)
} else if (!childFolderStats.isDirectory) {
throw Error(childFolderPath + ' is not a directory!')

// Sort children to avoid files being downloaded in a weird order
const sortedChildren = orderBy(megaFile.children, e =>

// Download files into it
for (const child of sortedChildren) {
await downloadFile(child, childFolderPath)

// Handle filters (files need to match all filters)
if (args.filter) {
for (const filter of args.filter) {
if (! {
if (args.verbose) console.log(, 'does not match filter')
// Handle ignores (files need to not match all ignores)
if (args.ignore) {
for (const ignore of args.ignore) {
if ( {
if (args.verbose) console.log(, 'matches ignore filter')

// Check the file stats in order to handle finished or interrupted downloads
const filePath = join(folderPath,
const fileStats = await Deno.stat(filePath).catch(() => null)

// Skip if there is no data left to download
if (fileStats && fileStats.size >= megaFile.size) {
if (args.verbose) console.log(, 'was already downloaded')

console.log('Downloading',, 'into', '"' + folderPath + '"')
if (fileStats) console.log('Continuing interrupted download at', fileStats.size, 'bytes')

// Open file for writing and get the writer
const denoFile = fileStats
? await, { append: true })
: await Deno.create(filePath)
const writer = denoFile.writable.getWriter()

// Create a progress bar to track the download progress
const progressBar = new ProgressBar({
display: ':percent :bar :time/:eta',
total: megaFile.size

const downloadStream = await{
// Start is needed to handle interrupted downloads
start: fileStats ? fileStats.size : 0

// Handle progress events
downloadStream.on('progress', event => {

// Iterate the download stream and write to the file
for await (const data of downloadStream) {
await writer.write(data)

// Finally close the writer
await writer.close()

// Verify the file if the download started mid-file
if (fileStats) {
const isFileValid = await verifyFile(filePath, megaFile)
if (isFileValid) {
console.log(filePath, 'was been downloaded and verified')
} else {
// Warn the user if the file is corrupt and rename the file
console.log(filePath, 'is corrupt')
await Deno.rename(filePath, filePath + '.corrupt')
} else {
console.log(filePath, 'was been downloaded')

// This function verifies if the file ("filePath") matches the MEGA file ("megaFile")
// Returns true if the MAC verification passes, false if not
async function verifyFile (filePath, megaFile) {
const verifyDenoFile = await
const verifyReader = verifyDenoFile.readable.getReader()
const verifyStream = verify(megaFile.key)

// Handle the end and error events
const verifyResultPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
verifyStream.on('end', () => resolve(false))
verifyStream.on('error', () => resolve(true))

// Convert from ReadableStream to a Node.js stream
while (true) {
const result = await

if (result.value) {
const canContinueWritting = verifyStream.write(result.value)
if (!canContinueWritting) {
// Verify stream is under pressure, wait it to drain
await new Promise(resolve => verifyStream.once('drain', resolve))

if (result.done) {
// End the stream when there is no more data to be read

// And break out the while loop

return verifyResultPromise