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Version: 1.0

Recursive streamed folder uploading

This demo combines streamed uploading and the use of recursive functions in order to handle folders. Running it will create a folder in the logged MEGA storage with the same name as the current working directory and will upload all files on it into this folder. It will prompt a lot for read permissions!

You can try by running this code at your console:

deno run
import { getLoggedInStorage } from './logging-in-demo.js'
import { basename, join } from ''
const storage = await getLoggedInStorage()

const directoryName = basename(Deno.cwd())
const baseFolder = storage.find(directoryName) ?? await storage.mkdir(directoryName)

await uploadDirectory(baseFolder, Deno.cwd())

async function uploadDirectory (megaFolder, folderPath) {
for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(folderPath)) {
if (entry.isDirectory) {
const childFolder = await megaFolder.mkdir(
await uploadDirectory(childFolder, join(folderPath,
} else {
await uploadFile(megaFolder, folderPath,

async function uploadFile (megaFolder, folderPath, name) {
const uploadStream = megaFolder.upload({ name })

// Get the file and its reader
const denoFile = await, name))
const inputReader = denoFile.readable.getReader()

// Read the file and pass the data to the upload stream
// (it's a Node.js Writable stream)
while (true) {
const result = await

if (result.value) {
const canContinueWritting = uploadStream.write(result.value)
if (!canContinueWritting) {
// Upload stream is under pressure, wait it to drain
await new Promise(resolve => uploadStream.once('drain', resolve))

if (result.done) {
// End the stream when there is no more data to be read

// And break out the while loop

// Wait for the upload to complete and get the new file object
await uploadStream.complete