You can try by running this code at your console:
deno run https://mega.js.org/demos/logging-in-demo.js
import { Storage } from 'npm:megajs'
// Export this function so it will be reused in other demos
export function getLoggedInStorage () {
// Get credentials from environment variables
// Don't worry: Deno will prompt if you allow the code to read those variables
const email = Deno.env.get('MEGA_EMAIL')
const password = Deno.env.get('MEGA_PASSWORD')
// Set up a user-agent
const userAgent = 'MEGAJS-Demos (+https://mega.js.org/)'
// Create a new storage and return its ready promise
// (the .ready promise resolves to the storage itself when it's ready
// so it's a nice shortcut to avoid having to handle the ready event)
return new Storage({ email, password, userAgent }).ready
// Run the below code only if this code is run directly
if (import.meta.main) {
const storage = await getLoggedInStorage()
All the other demos that require logging-in will import getLoggedInStorage()
from the above file in order to avoid making the demos repetitive.