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Version: 1.0

API Reference


This library handles MEGA encryption, file and folder handling and networking. Since this is a library focused on work on multiple platforms (Node.js and browsers) it does not and will not handle file reading, file writing nor any platform-specific file operations.

You should implement file I/O using the functions provided by your platform (like reading files using fs.createReadStream on Node and <input type="file"> on browsers, and writing using fs.createWriteStream on Node and <a download> on browsers).


Promise support was added in V1. All functions which used to accept callbacks now also accept promises, except by:

  • new Storage(): the promise is available in the .ready property;
  • .upload(): the promise is available in the .complete property;
  • .download(): call .downloadBuffer() instead;

Entry point

The exported classes and functions are those below:

  • Storage class
  • File class
  • file: alias to File.fromURL
  • API class
  • encrypt, decrypt and verify (low level encryption streams)


Creates a logged in connection instance to MEGA.


import { Storage } from 'megajs'
const storage = new Storage(options, [callback])


  • email - User login email required.
  • password - User password required.
  • secondFactorCode - User two-factor authentication code (since 1.2.0).
  • keepalive - Keep connection open to receive server-to-client requests that will be mapped to events. Defaults to true.
  • autologin - Logins to MEGA. Defaults to true. Set to false if you want to change request options, like proxy, like shown here.
  • autoload - Load in file structure. Defaults to true.
  • api - an API object.
  • All arguments supported by the API class (in case an API object is not provided).

Temporary accounts aren't supported. Trying to login without an email or password will throw an error.


Only loaded after .resolve, readyCallback() or ready event fires.

  • name - Account owner name
  • user - Account ID
  • key - Account master key
  • sid - Current session ID
  • files - Hash of MutableFile objects by node IDs.
  • root - MutableFile object for Cloud Drive main directory
  • trash - MutableFile object for Rubbish bin
  • inbox - MutableFile object for Inbox
  • mounts - Array of all top level directories



  • .upload maps to storage.root.upload.
  • .mkdir maps to storage.root.mkdir.
  • .find maps to storage.root.find.
  • .filter maps to storage.root.filter.
  • .navigate maps to storage.root.navigate.


Reloads files tree. No need to call this if autoload is used.


Logins to MEGA. No need to call this if autologin is used.


Get info related to account and quota usage. It returns a object with the following properties:

  • type: the account type
  • spaceUsed: the space used by the account, in bytes
  • spaceTotal: the total space available, in bytes
  • downloadBandwidthUsed: the bandwidth quota used, in bytes
  • downloadBandwidthTotal: the total bandwidth quota available, in bytes
  • sharedBandwidthUsed: the shared bandwidth quota used, in bytes
  • sharedBandwidthLimit: the total shared bandwidth quota available, in bytes


Logs out MEGA and closes server-to-client connection. Other connections will not be closed. Attempting to call API requests after this point will result in errors.


These events fire on file changes when keepalive is used. The changes can be triggered from any session connected to the same account.

  • add - New file/dir was added. Parameters: file.
  • move - File was moved to another dir. Parameters: file, olddir.
  • delete - File was deleted. Parameters: file.
  • update - File was changed(renamed). Parameters: file.


Basic class that handle files and folders. Often used to handle shared files and folders.


import { File } from 'megajs'
const fileFromUrl = File.fromURL(url)
const fileFromObject = new File({ downloadId, key })

To avoid collisions with the global File object you can use import { File as MEGAFile } from 'megajs' or const { File: MEGAFile } = require('megajs') and use MEGAFile instead of File.


If a string is passed it needs to be a shared MEGA URL. It can be a or a file. The new URL format with /file/ or /folder/ is also supported.

If an object is passed it needs to have the options below:

  • downloadId:` of the share link; a string.
  • key: of the share link; string or a Buffer; optional.
  • directory: true if loading a shared folder.

Both new File and File.fromURL supports receiving either an API object via api argument like this:

const fileFromUrl = File.fromURL(url, { api })
const fileFromObject = new File({ downloadId, key, api })

This allows using an logged API object to increase download limits, as shown here.


  • name - File name*
  • attributes - Object of attributes*
  • size - File size
  • key - File key (buffer)*
  • timestamp - File creation time (unix timestamp in seconds)
  • nodeId - File ID
  • downloadId - Link ID to file. Only if created from link.
  • directory - Boolean if file is directory.
  • children - Array of files for directories.

Values marked with * are null or undefined when an encryption key isn't specified. An encryption key isn't specified when someone loads a shared file without specifying the encryption key like File.fromURL('') without the #random-string part. Files loaded from accounts always have keys defined.



Load and decrypt file attributes. Attributes normally contain file name ('n') but is possible to put anything there, as long it can be encoded as JSON. Isn't needed for files loaded from logged sessions. Trying to call it in a MutableFile will throw an error.

await file.loadAttributes()
file.loadAttributes((err, file) => { })

This function can be also be used to load file information contained in shared folders.

.download([options], [callback])

Download and decrypt file contents into a readable stream or, if a callback is specified, into a buffer.'myfile.txt')), data) => {
// data is buffer

This function downloads files using chunked multiple parallel connections to speed up downloading. Similar to the MEGA implementation it first loads a 128KB chunk, then a 256KB, increasing it until it reaches 1MB. You can use the options below to control that.

  • maxConnections: the number of parallel connections is defined (default: 4);
  • initialChunkSize: first chunk size, in bytes (default: 128KB);
  • chunkSizeIncrement: how many bytes to increment each time (default: 128KB);
  • maxChunkSize: maximum chunk size, in bytes (max 1MB);
  • returnCiphertext: if true the ciphertext will be returned, which can be decrypted later using decrypt low level function.
  • handleRetries: accepts a function to handle retries on chunk downloading errors, overrides the function defined by File.defaultHandleRetries;
  • forceHttps: if set to true will download using HTTPS, if set to false will download using HTTP. Default to false in the Node build and true in the browser build or if a Deno global is set.

The download function also support start and end options, like fs.createReadStream.

If the number of connections get limited to 1 then chunking will be disabled and the entire file will be downloaded using a single connection. For some reason doing this often results in less connection errors. At the moment this feature relies on a node-fetch extension and might not work in non-Node environments.

You can get progress events from the progress event which will contain the following properties:

  • bytesLoaded: the number of bytes loaded;
  • bytesTotal: the total number of bytes of the file;


Wraps the .download() function and return a Promise which resolves to a Buffer containing the file data. Accept the same options as .download(). It still accepts a callback, but then it's better to call .download() to avoid creating an unneeded promise.

.find(query, [deep])

Search for files in directores, recursively if the deep argument is true. Queries might be strings (which matches names, case sensitive), arrays of valid names (case sensitive) or a function which receives a MutableFile object as argument and should return a boolean.

// Returns a file named `test.txt` inside the folder or undefined if no file gets found

// Returns a file named `test.txt` inside the folder while searching recursively
folder.find('test.txt', true)

// Returns the first file with a size larger than 1024 bytes
folder.find(file => file.size > 1024)

.filter(query, [deep])

Filters for files in directores, recursively if the deep argument is true. Queries might be strings (which matches names, case sensitive), arrays of valid names (case sensitive) or a function which receives a MutableFile object as argument and should return a boolean.

// Returns an array with all files named `test.txt` inside the folder

// Returns an array with all files named `test.txt` while searching recursively
folder.filter('test.txt', true)

// Returns an array with all files with a size larger than 1024 bytes
folder.filter(file => file.size > 1024)

Traverses directories. Query can be a string with a / delimited path or an array of strings. Names are matched case sensitive.

// Returns a file named `test.txt` inside "some folder"
folder.navigate('some folder/test.txt')

// Paths can also be defined as arrays of strings
folder.navigate(['some folder', 'test.txt'])

Static methods

File.fromURL(url, [options])

Creates a File object based on a shared file or folder URL. Accepts an optional options object with an api object.

File.defaultHandleRetries(tries, error, cb)

Default function used by and MutableFile.protoype.upload to handle chunk downloading or upload should be retried on errors. Receives as arguments number of retries, the last error and a callback function.

This function can be overridden. Example:

// Default retry handler
File.defaultHandleRetries = (tries, error, cb) => {
if (tries > 8) {
} else {
setTimeout(cb, 1000 * Math.pow(2, tries))

// Restore behavior from V0
File.defaultHandleRetries = (tries, error, cb) => {

Mutable File

Represents files and folders that the current user can change in some way (like renaming). Extends File adding methods that are only available when logged in.

Please note: what are mutable are the attributes of the files and folders, not their contents, as this library don't support this yet.

Basic syntax

Those objects can be only accessed when logged in and can only be accessed via the Storage object.

// Returns the first file in the root of the storage

// Returns a file named "test.txt" in the root of the storage


.upload(options | name, [data], [callback])

const uploadedFile = await folder.upload('myfile.txt', 'Hello world!').complete
folder.upload('myfile.txt', 'Hello world!', (error, uploadedFile) => {})

Upload a file to a folder.

To input data you can input a buffer, string or stream in the data argument or, as it returns a stream, pipe data into it.

To handle upload completion or errors you can:

  • Await for the promise returned by .complete.
  • Use the callback, which will return either an error as its first argument or the uploaded file instance as its second.
  • Listen for complete and error events.

Supported options:

  • name: file name, required
  • attributes: object of file attributes
  • key: encryption key, Buffer or string; 192 bit; because MAC verification part of it be different in final key
  • size: file size, required unless allowUploadBuffering is set to true.
  • thumbnailImage: the Buffer or Stream of the thumbnail image
  • previewImage: the Buffer or Stream of the preview image
  • maxConnections: the number of parallel connections is defined (default: 4);
  • initialChunkSize: first chunk size, in bytes (default: 128KB);
  • chunkSizeIncrement: how many bytes to increment each time (default: 128KB);
  • maxChunkSize: maximum chunk size, in bytes (max 1MB);
  • handleRetries: accepts a function to handle retries on chunk downloading errors, overrides the function defined by File.defaultHandleRetries;
  • forceHttps: if set to true will upload using HTTPS, if set to false will upload using HTTP. Default to false in the Node build and true in the browser build or if a Deno global is set.

Thumbnail images are 120px x 120px JPEG images with 70% quality. Preview images are JPEG images with a maximum width and height size of 1000px and 75% quality. Please use those settings to avoid breaking compatibility with other MEGA clients. This library don't generates neither preview or thumbnail images, only provides a way to uploading those.

Uploading data without encryption is supported and is documented here.

The upload stream is always returned even when a callback is specified. Standard events for Writable Streams, like error and finish, and methods, like .pipe() and .write(), work normally.

.mkdir(options | name)

await folder.mkdir('dirname')

Create a new folder inside the current folder.

Supported options:

  • name: directory name, required
  • attributes: object of file attributes
  • key: encryption key, Buffer or string; 128 bit; only used internally (when sharing folders other key is used)

.importFile(File | URL)

Import a file to the specified folder. It accepts File objects (from new File) or URLs of shared files.

// Returns an instance of MutableFile
const file = await folder.importFile('!...')

.link([options]) / .shareFolder([options])

Make download link for a file or folder. .shareFolder only works for folders, .link works for both (but calls .shareFolder internally).

// Returns something like!downloadId!key
const url = await

Supported options:

  • noKey: set true to return a url without an encryption key
  • key: only works for folders, encryption key, can be a string or buffer, 128 bit

.unshare() / .unshareFolder()

Unshares files and folders. .unshareFolder only works for folders, .unshare works for both (but calls .unshareFolder internally).


Delete file, permanently if permanent is true, otherwise file is moved to rubbish bin.

// Moves the file to rubbish bin
await file.delete()

// Deletes the file permanently
await file.delete(true)


Move a file to target, which can be a folder object or it's nodeId.

// Moves the file to storage root
await file.moveTo(storage.root)


Set the the attributes of a object. Doesn't remove the current ones, but can overwrite those.

await file.setAttributes({someAttribute: someValue})

.uploadAttribute(type, [buffer|stream])

Upload a thumbnail or preview image to the existent file. Fails if the node is a folder.

The argument type can be a string (thumbnail or preview) or a integer (0 and 1).


Rename a file.

await file.rename('hello-world.txt')


Set file's label, where label can be a number between 0 and 7 or a valid label color the following: 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple' and 'grey'.

await file.setLabel('red')


Set file as favorite is isFavorite is true

await file.setFavorite(true)
await file.setFavorite(false)


Same events as for Storage objects. Only trigger for a specific file.

  • move - File was moved to another dir. Parameters: olddir.
  • delete - File was deleted.
  • update - File metadata was changed.


The API class handles API connections, which includes part of the logged state, user-agent, HTTP/HTTPS agents (for proxying).


  • gateway - the gateway used to connect to MEGA's API, defaults to
  • userAgent - the user-agent used when connecting.
  • httpAgent and httpsAgent - the HTTP(S) agents used in Node, can be overriden to enable proxying;
  • fetch - the fetch function used by library, defaults to node-fetch in Node and globalThis.fetch in other environments;

If the fetch function is overridden then the userAgent, httpAgentandhttpsAgent` properties will be ignored.

It is recommended to set up an user-agent. The library will default to megajs/{version} (where {version} is the library version). When deploying to browsers set userAgent to null as it can cause issues in some browsers which allow client-side code to override the user-agent header (i.e. Firefox).

Static functions


Returns the global API shared by File instances.

import { API } from 'megajs'
const api = API.getGlobalApi()

Storage objects have their own API objects which can be accessed via storage.api. The API objects of File objects can be accessed via file.api and default to the global instance, but can be overridden to an API instance from a Storage to allow using account downloading limits.

Low level functions

The verify function accept a file key as argument creates a PassThrough stream that verifies the content received against the key.

import { verify } from 'megajs'

const fileKey = 'example-file-key'
const verifyFunction = verify(fileKey)
const fileStream = getFileStreamSomehow()

verifyFunction.on('end', () => console.log('File is valid'))
verifyFunction.on('error', () => console.log('File is corrupted'))

The file key follows the same rules as the key argument in the File constructor, so it can be a string (, a Buffer or a Uint8Array.

encrypt and decrypt are lower level transform streams. They accept a key as input and transform file data and outputs encrypted data and vice versa. They also handle MAC verification / generation.

The key for encrypt must be 192 bit. When the stream ends it a full 256 bit key will be available via the .key property. The additional 64 bit come from the MAC.

The key for the decrypt function must be the same 256 bit key returned during encryption.

Those two functions are almost never used as download and upload already handle encryption. They are only exported in order to allow backyards compatibility.