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Version: 1.0

Advanced usage

This library supports separating downloading/uploading from encryption steps. It's quite unusual but maybe it's useful for someone as seems tonistiigi supported those things by exporting low level encrypt and decrypt functions.

Downloading then decrypting

If you want to download then decrypt, not the two at the same time, then do the following:

const file = File.fromURL(url)

// Download it using cipher{ cipher: true })

// Later decrypt it using decrypt
.pipe(decrypt('base64 file key'))

Encrypting then uploading

const encryptStream = encrypt()

// Get the generated key
encryptStream.on('end', () => {

// Later upload the encrypted file
const storage = new Storage(options, callback)

await storage.ready
uploadCiphertext: true,
key: Buffer.from('key from console.log', 'hex')

Uploading without encryption


This code does not work anymore due to changes in MEGA. For more info check this discussion.

Make MEGA work like any other file hosting service:

const storage = new Storage(options, callback)
await storage.ready

uploadCiphertext: true,
// This key will be used to encrypt the attributes
// Avoid reusing keys (like using `Buffer.alloc(32)`)
// as seems MEGA does some kind of caching on those
key: crypto.randomBytes(32)

To download do the "Downloading then decrypting" steps.