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Version: 0.17

Advanced usage

Downloading shared files using account limits

Files created with new File and File.fromURL by default use a non-logged API instance and can be quite limited. To work around those limits accounts can be used, so downloading will use the limits from those:

// First log in
const storage = new Storage(options, callback)

// Wait for the callback then get a shared file
const sharedFile = File.fromURL(url)

// Finally replace the non-logged API instance with the logged instance
sharedFile.api = storage.api

// Now downloading the shared file will use the limits from that account

Setting request configuration

In version 0.xx request is used to handle HTTP(s) connections with MEGA servers. It can be configured like this:

// Get a File or Storage object
let file = File.fromURL(url)
let storage = new Storage(options, callback)

// The request module can be acessed using:

// It can be overwritten, so if you need to set up a proxy
file.api.requestModule = file.api.requestModule.defaults({
proxy: 'your proxy url'

// Storage logins up automatically, so if you may want to disable autologin
storage = new Storage({ ..., autologin: false })
// configure request like shown above then login

If possible use this to set up a user-agent.

Resuming a download

When a download fails it will stop the stream you need to create other stream in order to resume it:

let file = File.fromURL(url)
let filename = 'filename.ext'

let start = fs.statSync(filename).size{ start })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filename, {
flags: 'r+', // <= set flags to prevent overwriting the file

Downloading then decrypting

If you want to download then decrypt, not the two at the same time, then do the following:

let file = File.fromURL(url)

// Download it using cipher{ cipher: true })

// Later decrypt it using decrypt
.pipe(decrypt('base64 file key'))

I find hard someone having to do that, but maybe it's useful for someone as seems tonistiigi supported it (by exporting the decrypt function).

Encrypting then uploading

let encryptStream = encrypt()

// Get the generated key
encryptStream.on('end', () => {

// Later upload the encrypted file
let storage = new Storage(options, callback)

// Wait for callback, then:
uploadCiphertext: true,
key: Buffer.from('key from console.log', 'hex')

tonistiigi's mega also exported an encrypt function, so that's how you can use it. Do not forget the size option when uploading!

Uploading without encryption


This code does not work anymore due to changes in MEGA. For more info check this discussion.

Make MEGA work like any other file hosting service:

let storage = new Storage(options, callback)

// Wait for callback, then:
uploadCiphertext: true,
// This key will be used to encrypt the attributes
// Avoid reusing keys (like using `Buffer.alloc(32)`)
// as seems MEGA does some kind of caching on those
key: crypto.randomBytes(32)

To download do the "Downloading then decrypting" steps. Do not forget the size option when uploading!